Monday, June 06, 2005

Distinctly Different

"O my God, and let me see Thy hand so distinctly in it that I may most clearly perceive the difference which Thy grace has made between me and the ungodly!"

To see God's hand distinctly in our lives, thoughts, speech, motives, etc so that it can become obvious that there are differences between the "saved by Grace" and the unsaved.

How have my life, thoughts, speech, motives, etc been different from those of the carnal man ? Juxtaposing intentionally, does a difference lie therein ?

Where can the difference be seen, noticed or felt ?

What else must I do in order to let God's hand be distinctly seen in me ?


Blogger Zen|th said...

I agree with the rogue slayer. The act of living our lives for God and in His ways is what sets us apart from the ones who don't.

7:24 AM  
Blogger Lam's Creation said...

The Rogue Slayer: thanks for the reference, will give Marilyn a visit soon. I like your "we're just stewards of God," part which is the apex of my proposition, how can we as sojourners of this increasingly morally decadent society NOT pick up the mire and filth (not necessarily in a proactive sense, but in the form of compromise or acceptance) and be eventually influenced. How can we consciously and consientiously be reminded to resume our roles as stewards ? How can we then look to God with audacity and say "Our Significance, Self worth and Security are NOT based upon our secular job, the condo we own or car we drive, and the amount in our bank accounts" ? At this point, I dare NOT lay claim ...

9:37 AM  

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