Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thinking and Being

"I think, therefore I am" (Latin: "cogito ergo sum") (French: "je pense, donc je suis")

"I don't think therefore, I am not"

Have we attuned ourselves to being too much of a sensate through over-emphasis in kinesthetics and in visuals that we have forgotten to use our mental faculties for cognitive engagement ?

Why have we become so adversed to thinking ?

An interesting proposition of such a phenomenon by Senior Pastor Covenant EFC,
"... as such. postmodernism is a sad commentary of man's desperate search for meaning; a vain championing of an ideological abstraction which promotes an ideological arbitrariness - a reasoning without reason in the face of human arrogance and absurdity, which ultimately ushers one towards fideism at best and nihilism at worst."

Wherein my take is that the search for meaning has been overtaken by the complacency of nihilism, and for the diminishing breed of enthuse like me, fall flat into fideism, not having the benefits of rigourous cognition to be able to marry reason with faith.


Blogger Zen|th said...

Right now, it's all about skepticism and doubt in the world. For skeptics their motto is, "I doubt, therefore I am."

7:21 AM  

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