Starting Life with the big Four ...
"So, Mr Lam's Creation, tell us how life have changed since you joint the BIG FOUR ?"
"Well, umm, not that much really ..."
"Umm, You mean there's no difference at all ?" *strong tone of disbelief*
"OK there are some plus points and some not so plus points ..."
"You can now afford to scold people and people don't hate you ..."
"You get rounder in the middle regions and that is acceptable ..."
"You get promoted because you're more senior and know how to get around problems ..."
"The whiteness in the hair turns some ladies on ... well, mine does lah ... I mean my wife !!"
"And when you try to be funny and wave and smile at pretty girls, they actually wave and smile back to an Uncle ..." *Bleah*
"... and what are some of the not-so-plus points ?"
"I'm out of the genre called young adults *sob* ..."
"Children and some young adults starts calling me 'Uncle' ..."
"My childishness becomes unacceptable ..."
"Irresponsible behavour now becomes childishness ..." *Bleah*
"This interview is getting boring, sorry, but you've really wasted my time ..."
"I told you already and you din believe me !! ..."
"Well, umm, not that much really ..."
"Umm, You mean there's no difference at all ?" *strong tone of disbelief*
"OK there are some plus points and some not so plus points ..."
"You can now afford to scold people and people don't hate you ..."
"You get rounder in the middle regions and that is acceptable ..."
"You get promoted because you're more senior and know how to get around problems ..."
"The whiteness in the hair turns some ladies on ... well, mine does lah ... I mean my wife !!"
"And when you try to be funny and wave and smile at pretty girls, they actually wave and smile back to an Uncle ..." *Bleah*
"... and what are some of the not-so-plus points ?"
"I'm out of the genre called young adults *sob* ..."
"Children and some young adults starts calling me 'Uncle' ..."
"My childishness becomes unacceptable ..."
"Irresponsible behavour now becomes childishness ..." *Bleah*
"This interview is getting boring, sorry, but you've really wasted my time ..."
"I told you already and you din believe me !! ..."