I am not really an anonymous entity but for the sake of safe guarding my organisation, and just in case I do blog something frivolously, I do not wish to implicate my organisation. I herewith lay claim that whatever I do write are my own opinions and should not be subjected to too much in-depth interpretation, more importantly, I do not represent my organisation in any way in the things I say.
Afterall, a blog is about one's reflection on life's issues isn't it ?
I was previously blogging as a more truthful form of myself and that seems to have adverse implications. Now that I have intentionally shrouded myself in a greater cloud of anonymity, I guess I can be moreirresponsible truthful in what I really wish to say ...
Anyway, this is the new me, the old has gone, the new has come ...
This blog is dedicated to those with ideologies of diverse kinds; there is simply too much atrophy in the area of reflective and critical thinking nowadays. With my proactive advocation, I hope to reverse that, albeit in my own humble and maybe, even feeble way.
I do not deny my faith and shall not apologise for insisting in providing a Christian tinge in my perspective of things.
I may not be able to change the world today, but I believe if I can stand the test of time to influence sufficient quantities of young groups of enthusiasts, I will eventually be able to nurture change agents that can turn this world right-side up again.
Afterall, a blog is about one's reflection on life's issues isn't it ?
I was previously blogging as a more truthful form of myself and that seems to have adverse implications. Now that I have intentionally shrouded myself in a greater cloud of anonymity, I guess I can be more
Anyway, this is the new me, the old has gone, the new has come ...
This blog is dedicated to those with ideologies of diverse kinds; there is simply too much atrophy in the area of reflective and critical thinking nowadays. With my proactive advocation, I hope to reverse that, albeit in my own humble and maybe, even feeble way.
I do not deny my faith and shall not apologise for insisting in providing a Christian tinge in my perspective of things.
I may not be able to change the world today, but I believe if I can stand the test of time to influence sufficient quantities of young groups of enthusiasts, I will eventually be able to nurture change agents that can turn this world right-side up again.